Keyboard Setup Assistant, YubiKeys and a Munki NoPkg

We are always looking for ways to reduce friction for end users. Our job in IT is to empower users to get their work done with as few technological distractions as possible.

Many times Apple makes this harder due to features or functionality in macOS. One such example is Keyboard Setup Assistant (KSA) which automatically launches anytime a new input device is detected.

While this is very helpful for consumers who have purchased a new peripheral; in a corporate setting it can be an annoyance multiplied thousands of times over.

YubiKeys present to macOS as keyboards and trigger KSA. When rolling them out we decided to use a Munki NoPkg to save our co-workers from having to dismiss this useless dialog.

Read on for the details…


I got this idea from Fraser Hess who wrote a great technical deep dive with perfect timing. If you want to understand the why and how please start there, it is well worth reading.

Side note: I’m big fan of Fraser’s free app Particulars.


While Keyboard Setup Assistant is harmless and can be easily quit, by suppressing it entirely we avoid the need to include information about it in our YubiKey setup documentation.

It is also one less distraction users have to contend with and allows them to focus on the task at hand.

The Scripts

There are two scripts that make up the Munki NoPkg. The first is the installcheck_script that evaluates if installation is needed:


# Check if the YubiKey identifier is in the known keyboards list
installed=$(/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/ keyboardtype | /usr/bin/grep "1031-4176-0")

# Evaluate if the installed command is empty or not
if	[ -z "$installed" ]; then
	# If "1031-4176-0" is not found, Exit 0 to trigger the postinstall_script
	echo "YubiKey ID needs to be added to the keyboard list."
	exit 0
	# If "1031-4176-0" is found, Exit 1 to skip the postinstall_script
	echo "YubiKey ID is already in the keyboard list."
	exit 1

Second is the postinstall_script that actually does the work if needed:


# Add the YubiKey identifier to the known keyboards list so Keyboard Setup Assistant won't launch
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ keyboardtype -dict-add "1031-4176-0" -integer 40

I decided to skip creating an uninstall_script because I couldn’t think of any reason we’d ever want to reverse this installation; but one could be added if needed.

The NoPkg

The NoPkg should be set as a managed_install in Munki manifests.

I have an example NoPkg available on GitHub which is ready to use and can be dropped right into your Munki repo with no changes.

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